Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Climatic Conflict of a Cold, Cold Combatic Conflict.

As I stated earlier, the Giant Red Chicken will have announced Ragnarok's coming and at that point the battle will begin. The fire giant Surf will set the walls of my palace, Asgard, on fire. Fenrir the Wolf will break free and wreak havoc, and the moon and sun shall be swallowed by wolves. As my Aesir march to battle, my sons and I do as well. I will battle the wolf Fenrir, and face my demise by him. My son Thor shall battle the Midgard Serpent, and they shall simultaneously slay each other. It is said Loki, my underling will betray us and will fight Heimdal, and both shall meet their doom there. Freyr will be killed by the fire giant Surt, and at that point, the battle will be concluding.

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